
 Public Transit Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan 2023

Public Transit HSTCC 2023 Plan

Appendix Part 1           Appendix Part 2          Appendix Part 3

Appendix Part 4          Appendix Part 5

Adoption Resolution


The Boonslick Regional Planning Committee Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) works closely with the Missouri Department of Transportation to identify and prioritize needs within the region.  The TAC includes 27 members, with 9 representatives from each county (Lincoln, Montgomery & Warren) appointed from the following backgrounds:

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail/commercial/residential development
  • Trucking/transportation
  • Agriculture/agri-business
  • Economic development/chamber of commerce
  • Education
  • Emergency services
  • Special needs population
  • Private citizens

The TAC meets quarterly, though it may meet more often if necessary.  The meetings are open to the public.  Transportation improvements identified by the TAC are presented to the BRPC membership for approval and forwarded to MoDOT for funding consideration.

Boonslick RPC TAC 2023 Ranking of Needs



MO Rides:  Connecting You to Transportation Providers Across Missouri

MO Rides referral service works with transportation providers to coordinate affordable rides for people with transportation challenges.




Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan

The Statewide Transportation Plan (STIP), prepared annually, sets forth the specific construction projects MoDOT will undertake in the next five years.  It covers highways and bridges, transit, aviation, rail, waterways, bicycle, pedestrian, and operations and maintenance projects.



Missouri’s new strategic highway safety plan, Show-Me Zero, Driving Missouri Toward Safer Roads, identifies ways all Missourians can help reduce the number of fatalities on Missouri roadways.



Buckle Up Phone Down Challenge

Take the challenge!  When you get into any vehicle, buckle up your seat belt.  If you are the driver, put your phone down.

MoDOT’s Buckle Up Phone Down campaign is tackling the two most impactful actions a driver can take to prevent crashes or survive if one occurs.

Join the thousands of individuals who have accepted this challenge.




Map of Boonslick Region Transportation Network



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