Pursuant to Section 14.435 of SS SCS HCS HB 2014, the State of Missouri has allocated funds to Montgomery County from the Coronavirus Relief Fund set forth under section 601(a) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”); and the County has funds available to cover costs incurred due to the public health emergency with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), as set forth in the Request for Distribution of County CARES Act Funds Application Form, attached.
Instructions for Submitting Reimbursement Requests
• Complete attached spreadsheets and summarize all of your entity’s reimbursable costs/expenses related to COVID-19.
• Be sure to cite the relevant reimbursement code from the key attached
• Complete Certification – For the first reimbursement, please complete the CARES Funding Certification. Note that you are certifying that you will only submit requests for eligible expenses and that should it be determined that any expense is ineligible, you will repay the funds to the county.
• Copies of all application documents can be found at https://boonslick.org/
• Submit detailed invoices proving those costs to:
Boonslick Regional Planning Commission
111 Steinhagen
Warrenton, MO 63383
• BRPC will then process your eligible invoices and submit to Montgomery County to complete through its Accounts Payable process and issue payment as soon as possible.
• Points of contact to email or call: Boonslick Regional Planning Commission
Chad Eggen, Executive Director; (636) 456-3473 or ceggen@boonslick.org