On May 27, 1968, Governor Warren E. Hearnes signed the necessary documents creating the Boonslick Regional Planning Commission (BRPC). The primary focus of the organization upon its inception has been to provide professional planning services and technical assistance to members within the region.
BRPC is comprised of local units of government within the region. Membership is on a voluntary basis, and members are assessed a fee based upon the population of the community. In addition to the money generated by the local membership fees, the State of Missouri provides a grant (the amount varies annually) to each regional planning commission for offsetting the costs of providing assistance to the region. The balance of the operating budget is generated through fees the office collects for administering various State and Federal programs.
Board of Directors
BRPC is governed by a board of directors comprised of a representative from each member city, three representatives from each member county, and one at-large member from each county. The Board of Directors’ primary responsibility is to set policies for the operation of the Commission and the development of the region. Board of directors meetings are held quarterly.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, made up of six members from the Board of Directors, is responsible for the oversight of the director and the commission. The executive committee meets bi-monthly to discuss the progress and activities of the commission. The current BRPC executive committee is comprised of the following members:
- Chairman: Ryan Poston, Montgomery County
- Vice Chairman: Steven Deves, City of Montgomery
- Secretary: Joe Gildehaus, Warren County
- Treasurer: Michael Mueller, Lincoln County
- Member: Vacant
- Member: Mike Thomas, City of Truesdale
Chairmen of the Boonslick Regional Planning Commission:
- Ralph Gallaway: 1968 to 1976
- Harold Creech: 1976 to 1977
- Ward Lefferdink: 1977 to 1982
- Warren W. Wommack: 1982 to 1993
- Robert L. Jung: 1993 to 1998
- Charles H. Kemper: 1998 to 2010
- Charles Korman: 2010
- Jim Mayes: 2011 to 2012
- Murray Bruer: 2013 to 2016
- Hubert Kluesner: 2017 to 2019
- Ryan Poston: 2020 to present
Executive Directors
- Bill Reichert: 1971 to 1974
- Leland R. Johnson: 1974 to 1976
- Elizabeth McKay: 1976 to 1983
- James Guinta: 1983 to 1985
- Terry L. Henderson: 1985 to 1992
- Steve W. Etcher: 1992 to 2013
- Chuck Eichmeyer: 2013 to 2014 (Interim Director)
- Mike Sutherland: 2014 to 2014
- Chad Eggen: 2015 to 2022
- Teresa Lee: 2022 to present
What is a regional planning commission?
In 1965, the Missouri Legislature enacted the State and Regional Planning and Community Development Act. This Act, which appears as Chapter 251 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (1969), created the Missouri Department of Community Affairs. The Act also authorized the governor to create regional planning commissions upon the petition of local governmental units. If the Governor finds that there is a need for a regional planning commission, and if the governing bodies of local units within the proposed region include over 50 percent of the population of the proposed region, then the governor may create the regional planning commission.
Today, the State of Missouri’s 114 counties have been divided into 19 regional planning commissions. According to the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, 1969, Section 251.300, regional planning commissions “…may conduct all types of research studies, collected and analyze data, prepare maps, charts, and tables and conduct all necessary studies for the accomplishment of its other duties…”
In matters relating to comprehensive planning, a regional planning commission “…may enter into a contract and cooperate with any federal, state, or local unit of government including other planning commissions or organizations within this or other states under the laws of Missouri….The comprehensive plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the region which will, in accordance with existing and future needs, best promote public health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity or the general welfare, as well as efficient and economy in the process of development.”
BRPC 50th Anniversary Page
A full list of Missouri’s regional planning commissions is shown below:
Boonslick Regional Planning Commission
Lincoln, Montgomery, and Warren counties
Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission
Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott, Stoddard counties
East-West Gateway Council of Governments
Missouri: Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles
St. Louis counties; St. Louis City
Illinois: Monroe, St. Clair, Madison counties
Green Hills Regional Planning Commission
Caroll, Caldwell, Chariton, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Lin, Livingston, Mercer, Putman, Sullivan counties
Harry S Truman Coordinating Council
Barton, Jasper, McDonald, Newton counties
Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission
Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, St. Clair, Vernon counties
Lake of the Ozarks Council of Governments
Camden, Laclede, Miller, Morgan counties
Mark Twain Regional Council of Governments
Audrain, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Ralls, Randolph, Pike, Shelby counties
Meramec Regional Planning Commission
Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, Washington counties
Mid-America Regional Council
Missouri: Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte, Ray counties
Kansas: Johnson, Leavenworth, Wyandotte counties
Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission
Howard, Cole, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau counties
Mo-Kan Regional Council
Missouri: Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton, DeKalb counties Kansas: Atchison, Doniphan counties
Northeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission
Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Schuler, Scotland counties
Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments
Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, Worth counties
Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission
Butler, Carter, Reynolds, Ripley, Wayne counties
Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission
Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, Saline counties
South Central Ozark Council of Governments
Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Shannon, Texas, Wright counties
Southeast Missouri Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission
Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Iron, Madison, Perry, St. Genevieve, St. Francois counties
Southwest Missouri Council of Governments
Barry, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney, Webster counties