Welcome to Boonslick Regional Planning Commission

2024 Annual Meeting Presentation

Improve I-70 Program Information

The Missouri Department of Transportation is inviting the public to preliminary information meetings to learn more about MoDOT’s Statewide Improve I-70 Program. Gov. Parson, provides $2.8 billion in General Revenue for the costs to build a third lane of Interstate 70 across the state for approximately 200 miles of I-70 from Blue Springs to Wentzville. For more information visit  https://www.modot.org/improvei70/home

Earth Day 2024


America Counts State Profile Page for Missouri


America Counts state profile pages contain demographic trends from the 2020 Census.  Each state page includes information about counties with interactive maps.  Check out Missouri’s state profile page.




Boonslick Regional Planning Commission takes an active role in community and economic development issues. For further information on any of our services, or to send comments regarding this website, contact Executive Director Teresa Lee at (636) 456-3473 or tlee@boonslick.org

Babel Notice

Boonslick Regional Planning Commission is an equal opportunity employer with equal opportunity programs.  Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.  Missouri TTY Users can call (800) 735-2966 or dial 7-1-1.

Mission Statement

To improve the quality of life in the Boonslick Region (Lincoln, Montgomery & Warren counties) through community, economic and workforce development initiatives; conserving and protecting natural resources; protecting the citizens through emergency planning and preparedness activities; promoting efficiency in governmental programs through sound planning practices; and promoting collaborative approaches to regional challenges.

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